- Carbon by itself is a powerful adsorbing agent. That’s adsorb with a “d.” (In absorption — with a “b” — foreign particles are drawn into something, whether it’s a solid material or a liquid. In adsorbtion, foreign particles adhere to the surface of the adsorbing agent.
- The more surface area that a carbon particle has, the more it can convince impurities to stick to it. Activated carbon has a larger surface area to bond with odors because it is porous.
These charcoal air conditioner filters are also a great barrier against airborne contaminants, like pollen, dust, bacteria, mold spores, pet dander and other allergens. Our MERV 6 patented filter system cleans the air before it gets into your RV’s air conditioner, capturing particles as small as three to 10 microns.
CAN THEY BE WASHED OR RINSED? No. When it comes time to replace your filters, order new ones. These filters, especially RV Air filters, are meant to catch the airborne contaminants circulating in a confined space. RV Air lab reports show that the amount of dead skin captured by this specialized filter was extremely elevated. Not only do you want to avoid handling this kind of Petri dish, but the RV Air filter cannot be exposed to water as it would wash away the tackifier, which holds the filter together. Depending on the amount of use and locations traveled in your RV, we recommend replacing RV Air AC filters after 90 days of continuous use or every year, whichever comes first. Order a few so you’ll always be ready to replace on the road.
CAN YOU SHIP MY FILTER TO AN RV SITE? We can ship to any RV site where mail can be delivered.
Interested in a filter subscription? RV Air can send you a replacement filter every three or six months at a discounted rate (10% off standard pricing) — a great for full-time RVers who are on the road often. Simply add the subscription to your cart and check out. RV Air will send you first subscription upon payment, and then a new subscription every three months thereafter. You can manage your subscription using the “Manage Your Subscription” link at the bottom of our website.
12.875” L x 5.5” W x .75” D